Whether running an existing business or thinking of starting one, Business Mentoring Noosa (BMN) is here to help you.
BMN was founded in 2011 and to date has assisted over 400 business owners, including startup entrepreneurs in Noosa Shire and in the wider Sunshine Coast.
Our volunteer mentors are experienced business people who freely provide their knowledge and technical skills to help owners to improve the performance of their business and to help entrepreneurs evaluate the business potential of their concepts.
We Operate To a Simple Set of Values:
Passion - for the role of small business in our economy, and for seeing our mentees succeed.
Integrity - an open, honest and confidential approach in our interactions.
Care - having our mentees' best interests at heart at all times.
For an administration fee of $295 you have access to one or more Business Mentors for up to 12 months. We are a not-for-profit registered organisation and the fee helps cover the running costs of BMN.
Small Business Mentoring
We understand the challenges and opportunities faced by business owners like yourself. Whether you are wanting to take your business to the next level, suffering from poor sales, profitability, cashflow, or are looking to sell your business our Mentors are there to offer guidance, to be a sounding board, to challenge your thinking or to help you take an objective look at your business.
It can be very lonely running your own business - would you like to talk to an independent-minded experienced business person who knows what you are going through?
If so make contact now by calling us:
Startup Mentoring
Do you have a business idea and want to explore its potential?
Have you identified your unique selling proposition (USP), target audience, and the route to market?
Do you need to develop a business plan to take it through from feasibility to implementation?
Have you considered all the legal, regulatory, financial, and taxation issues?
If you think you would benefit from the support of an experienced business person, make contact now by calling.
Become a Business Mentor
Have you had a successful business career and would you like to put something back into the business community in Noosa and the wider Sunshine Coast? Being a Business Mentor enables you to help owners improve the performance of their business. They can benefit from your own experience and skills, shorten the learning curve and avoid making mistakes. If you would like to join a group of similarly successful business people and can spare a few hours a month then contact BMN on the number below to find out more.
Key Benefits of Our Business Mentoring
Enables you to step out of the day-to-day and take an objective look at your business
Provides a space to brainstorm ideas and plan for the future
Offers an independent, sounding board via an impartial source with no vested interest
A catalyst to inject new energy into your business and take it to the next level
To have mentoring for new and growing businesses by
a team of volunteers who really understand the Noosa market and beyond is brilliant. With over 400 businesses assisted to date, this a great resource for any sector.
Sandy Bolton Independent MP for Noosa
The BMN program is a great community initiative and offers amazing value for the small investment you are asked to make. With a young family and many distractions, I found the support and encouragement of my mentors of immense value.
Lisa Marshall, Owner, Trek Coach
The membership and mentorship BMN offer is outstanding value and a must for any business owner. The mentors’ experience and wisdom are a great opportunity to gain perspective and gauge an outside in view on circumstances that I am often too close to.
Paul Sheavils, Owner LedbyDesign
BMN helped us establish solid foundations upon which we could grow. Our mentors asked probing and insightful questions which encouraged us to gain a better understanding or our finances, systems, processes and opportunities. Five years later, our business has gone from strength to strength.
Steven Speldewinde, Director, The Social Deck
BMN were the difference that made us keep moving forward, encouraged and helped us believe in ourselves. The mentors’ help to make our own decisions and answer our own questions was instrumental in shaping our achievements.
Jamie & Sandie Loft, Donut Kitchen